Struggling to come to terms with the loss of a loved one?
We offer our heartfelt sympathy to anyone who has suffered a bereavement and our group is here to offer help and support.
We meet once a month on a Thursday evening, between 6.30 pm and 8 pm. The group is hosted by Counsellor Mike Dennis and our care co-ordinator Judith Southart. If you would be interested in joining one of our sessions please contact Judith at the surgery on 01925 361991 or e-mail cmicb-war.springfieldsmc@nhs.net. If you wish to join a meeting its ok if you just want to listen, you dont have to talk but you may find help from listening to other people who have been through a similar loss.
Meeting Dates
Ground Floor Community Room, Bath Street Health & Wellbeing Centre, Legh Street, Warrington
6.30pm to 8pm
Thursday 19 September 2024
Thursday 17 October 2024
Thursday 14 November 2024
Thursday 12 December 2024
Bereavement Support Helplines/Websites
Sudden Bereavement Helpline 0800 2600 400
10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
From day one, onwards
Our vision is that people bereaved suddenly get help at a time of darkness to move to a brighter day.
We help when someone has died suddenly, or too soon in their life, because of
- a sudden medical reason (including COVID-19), or terminal illness
- injuries, caused by something that happened
- suicide
We help people most in the early days and weeks, but call us any time
National Bereavement Partnership 0800 448 0800
7am to 10pm, 7days a week
We are in unprecedented times and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a worrying and anxious time for many people. This is particularly true, for those whose loved ones have died or are ill in hospital or other care settings and for key workers and NHS staff who continue to work and provide essential services.
Our purpose is to provide a helpline for all individuals seeking information, advice and support.
The Good Grief Trust https://www.thegoodgrieftrust.org/
Cruse - 0808 808 1677 https://www.cruse.org.uk/
MIND - 0300 123 3393 https://www.mind.org.uk/
Happy OK Sad - https://happyoksad.warrington.gov.uk/adults.aspx
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) 0300 111 5065 https://uksobs.org/
For further advice and support following the death of a loved one please download Coping with a death leaflet (DOCX, 63KB)
My name is Mike Dennis and I’m a counsellor. Towards the end of 2016 I approached Springfields Medical Centre about the possibility of setting up a Bereavement Support Group. My idea was to provide people who were struggling to come to terms with the loss of a loved one, with somewhere to come and talk to others about how they were feeling, and reassuring them that they are not alone.
Working with Judith Southart and Emma Bilbao from the practice, we decided to do something simple, not complicated; no activities, and no creative work, just a safe and confidential place where people could talk about a loved one that they had lost; sharing thoughts and feelings with others who had experienced loss themselves, and knowing that such feelings are perfectly normal.
In January 2017 we had our first full meeting. A small group, but it was truly humbling for us to hear people sharing their stories. Stories of people who had fought brave battles against horrible diseases, and stories of those who had been taken suddenly and unexpectedly; stories of the young and the old, and stories of brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, sons and daughters, and best friends.
No-one is forced to speak – some feel able to from the start and dive straight in, but for others time is needed before they feel comfortable enough to open up, and that is something we have plenty of. The group meets monthly on a Thursday night, from 7pm to 9pm. Refreshments are provided, but this is by no means a case of tea and sympathy. We’re all just average people that have, at some time in our life, experienced loss.
The grieving process is different for every person, for every loss they experience. For example, two people who have lost a parent, experience that loss in totally different ways, and no-one else is qualified to make comments like, “You need to pull yourself together” or “Come on – it’s been six months” – our experience of bereavement is unique. People talk about the stages of grief, but these different feelings can occur within the space of a month, or a day, or an hour – it’s completely normal. There’s no manual or handbook or set of instructions for how grief works – you just find your own way through it the best way you can. Maybe talking about it would help.